We've been sick for almost a month now counting Andy and the kids. D had it the least of the bunch, just a headache/sore throat for a few days but L and A were hit hard. Almost two weeks for each of them, both getting a break for about a day and then getting a lot lot worse before getting better. L has really been hit hard. He started feeling bad the Friday before Easter, got a bit better, then worse, then better, then worse. Both he and Miss A fought high fevers for almost 5 straight days, and his has come and gone too. Tricking the poor dude (and us) in to thinking he was better, only to come back harder within 24 hours.
I am hoping that he is on the last part, as his fever has stayed away for more than a full day and the congestion has moved in to his chest where it can get broken up and stay gone. It has meant an upset stomach and lots of hacking though, neither of which are pleasant.
D took an overnight trip with school to a camp in WI to have two days (and one night) of in nature learning. They will do/have done a rock quarry, a pond viewing and looking at scum under a microscope, along with some really fun craft times too. Both Andy and I went in the 5th grade, it's a bit of a rite of passage around here and something that is really looked forward to by anyone even approaching 5th grade. I was shocked by the price at first, but then found out that it included all meals, transportation on a nice Coach bus with a movie (not the old yellow school buses), all activities, etc. So while still painful on the wallet, it was worth it. She comes home tonight and I cannot wait to hear how it went. We sent her with a camera, so if I get the pictures developed soon I can scan them in to the computer and post with her trip details.
Just a small update from our corner of the world. Pics and camp details to come soon.